The beginning of that newness
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GeneMax PCR Machine

페이지 정보


GeneMax PCR Machine
카다로그 번호   :   TC-S
규격   :   96well Block
브랜드   :  BIOER
비고   :  


GeneMax is a PCR device to the new generation of the company. Since the company was founded 10 years of technology and performance of the peak of maximum feedback, is also 10 years to support our customers.

GeneMax adhering to the semiconductor refrigeration piece FERROTEC R & D, manufacturing and application ability, performance and function of the instrument has reached a new height, perfect optimization can realize the annealing temperature. The instrument uses 10.4 inches large LCD touch screen, man-machine interaction more convenient. Using ARM9 processor and ThreadX system, high efficiency, stable. It is the first launch of the heavy gold module, temperature more superior performance at the same time with the Bluetooth signal switching device, wireless connection can realize instrument and computer.
